Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Darth Vladar should play

darth vladar hockey goalie generated by openai

Darth Vladar should play more this season. 

Ring of Fire shows off Mr. Vladar's saves. You can find him on Twitter @RingOfFireCGY.

Before you shoot me, let me explain the statement. We need to keep Markstrom fresher for the playoffs this year. Don't read more into my statement than that. I do not believe it was Markstrom's fault that we lost to the Oilers; that was a Total Team Collapse. Notice the capitalization. I wanted to emphasize that it was the team's responsibility. 

If a team can limit a goalie start to 50 games, they will have a more refreshed goalie. A refreshed goalie means better quality saves. If Markstrom is on his game, he is one of the best goalies in the league. When alert, he is always in a position to make the save.

A tired goalie misses rebounds, often resulting in easy goals. He is often caught out of position. 

The Flame's offense will tail off a bit this season. With the lost Tkachuk and Gaudreau, the Flames will need Markstrom to bail him out. No, I am not being a negative Nelly. Realistically, Kadri and Weeger will not make up for the loss of Tkachuk. 

I love Markstrom. A rested Markstrom can be that much better. 
