Thursday, July 16, 2020

Tale of Two Players

As the Flames prepare to meet the Jets, let's discuss a couple of the players from the Heat. The two players I would like to talk about are the two hardest to spell; this is not a good thing because I can't spell, but I digress.

Artyom Zagidulin

When the Calgary Flames signed Artyom Zagidulin, I must admit I knew nothing about him. So I had to do some research and here is what I learned. He is a young goalie, rough around the edges. But he has potential. Artyom has fast reflexes going from side to side. He needs to control the rebounds and he goes down too early. There is a consensus that he is rarely caught out of position.

I have fabulous followers on Twitter. One, in particular, is Nicole Watt @NikkiWatt18. I love her quote. With her permission, allow me to share her observation on Artyom Zagidulin.

"He is still developing. The Heat aren't really there yet as a team tbh, so it's harder to gauge, but he really needs to work on his numbers if he wants to make it. He has a lot of potential though."

Alexander Yelesin

When the Calgary Flames signed Alexander, I completely understood why. Alexander has terrific depth and will fit in nicely in that number six defensemen role. He is a solid stay-home defenceman with a solid, rugged game. He is what he is. He will be of use on the penalty kill.

With these two players, I feel Yelesin, in particular, will get a chance to play. Thanks to "players not fit to play,"  the Flames may be forced to play Alexander. I am quite comfortable with him in the lineup.  Zagidulin is there on an emergency basis in case the Flames lose every goalie in the world. Zagidulin will grow tenfold with the Flames. To steal a baseball term, they will teach him what it is like in the big leagues.

Last word

I just wanted to say a few words on Travis Hamonic. I don't think there could be a more exceptional representative of the NHL than Travis. He has done more for the community than most of us will in a lifetime. He is as solid a hockey player off the ice as he is on the ice. I am afraid to say; I think he has played his last game as a Flames, and it is a darn shame.

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