Darth Vladar should play more this season.
Ring of Fire shows off Mr. Vladar's saves. You can find him on Twitter @RingOfFireCGY.
Before you shoot me, let me explain the statement. We need to keep Markstrom fresher for the playoffs this year. Don't read more into my statement than that. I do not believe it was Markstrom's fault that we lost to the Oilers; that was a Total Team Collapse. Notice the capitalization. I wanted to emphasize that it was the team's responsibility.
If a team can limit a goalie start to 50 games, they will have a more refreshed goalie. A refreshed goalie means better quality saves. If Markstrom is on his game, he is one of the best goalies in the league. When alert, he is always in a position to make the save.
A tired goalie misses rebounds, often resulting in easy goals. He is often caught out of position.
The Flame's offense will tail off a bit this season. With the lost Tkachuk and Gaudreau, the Flames will need Markstrom to bail him out. No, I am not being a negative Nelly. Realistically, Kadri and Weeger will not make up for the loss of Tkachuk.
I love Markstrom. A rested Markstrom can be that much better.